5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (2024)

Let’s be real for second: IVF sucks. In every way.

Sure, it’s a scientific wonder, and it’s amazing it even exists, and it’s helped thousands of people start families who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to (myself included). So, fine, it’s got that going for it.

5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (1)

But the worst part is, you can put yourself through all of the pain, agony, and expense of IVF, and it’s still not a guarantee.

So for me, when I went through it the first time, I researched everything — ev-er-y-thing — I could do to improve my odds. If it didn’t work, I wanted to know I’d done everything in my power to have the best odds possible.

But then it did work! So naturally, when it came time to transfer again for baby #2, I had to repeat everything exactly as I did it the first time, just in case.

…Just in case it wasn’t due to my brilliant doctors and nurses and embryologists and God and all the people who contribute to making babies in this crazy world of infertility.

And then it worked, again! So, naturally, now I have to share my tricks with all of you. Because maybe I’ve uncovered the secret to 100% IVF success rates…

Okay, I definitely haven’t done that. But these are all easy things to do during and after your embryo transfer, that, at the very least, will keep your mind busy during that agonizing 10-day wait, and help you feel like you’re able to do something to contribute to your own baby-making.

IVF Superstitions That Helped My Two Embryo Transfers WORK:

1. Lucky Transfer Socks

Find yourself some lucky transfer socks. A pair that makes you smile, makes you feel warm & fuzzy, and preferably that actually are warm and fuzzy.

My doctor has specific (ugly, grey, drab) socks she makes us wear for the transfer, so I just put those on over my lucky socks. The transfer room is cold anyway, so you won’t regret having multiple layers of socks on.

2. McDonald’s French Fries After IVF Transfer

Why should I even have to explain this one? This is your guilt-free excuse to eat McDonald’s french fries. Don’t ask questions, just take it!

5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (2)

Why do you eat McDonald’s french fries after an embryo transfer?

Honestly, I’m not totally sure why this is a thing, or why it specifically has to be McDonald’s, but it just does.

You’re supposed to eat the fries after your transfer, right on the way home. Maybe the grease helps the embryo nuzzle in? Or maybe McDonald’s uses magical potatoes with some kind of special enzyme?

I don’t question the magic, I just obey it.

For my first fresh IVF transfer, I actually mentioned my plan to pick up french fries on our way home from the transfer to my doctor (to make sure she didn’t shriek and say “dear God don’t put that in your body after I just put this beautiful embryo in it.”).

She laughed, and said that if nothing else, the salt would help with my OHSS—so there you have it, eating french fries after your IVF transfer is doctor-approved.

3. Pineapple Core After Your Embryo Transfer

5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (3)

Here’s how to prepare and eat pineapple core after your transfer:

  1. Buy a whole pineapple—not precut chunks, they don’t have the good stuff in it—and peel it.
  2. Slice it horizontally into 5 rings.
  3. Eat one ring, each day (including that nasty, hard core in the middle), starting the day of your embryo transfer, for 5 days.

This superstition actually has some science behind it.

Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which is known to reduce inflammation and act as a mild blood thinner, which some think helps with implantation. It’s most concentrated in the core, which is why that part is so important.

Fun fact: some people (like yours truly) have a mild allergic reaction to bromelain which causes your mouth to burn and tingle.

This part of the process was actual torture for me, but I powered through because I am stubborn as hell and was convinced this would make or break my cycle.

If you have this reaction too, just drink lots of water before and after eating the pineapple. Which brings me to my next point…

4. Water, Water, Water

Drink an absurd amount of water. Just guzzle it all day long. At least 80-100 ounces per day.

This one is medically grounded, too. The more hydrated you are, the warmer and cushier all your organs and innards are for that little embaby, and the more all those hormones you’re taking can be evenly distributed throughout your body.

5. Warm Feet

5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (4)

Finally, keep those feet warm!

My last embryo transfer was in July – in Texas – and yet, I wore socks 100% of the time during my two week wait.

Closed-toed shoes, fuzzy socks, and slippers around the house, 24/7.

Except the shower, because that would be weird. The theory behind this one is that most of your body heat leaves through your feet, so if your body is having to send blood flow to your extremities to keep you warm, that’s taking away from the blood flow to your uterus and your embryo.

Warm feet = warm uterus.

But do IVF Superstitions work?

Is any of this stuff real? I have no clue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But it made me feel like I could do something to affect the outcome of my IVF cycles, and it turns out, even pretend control helps a control freak throughout this process.

Do you have any other IVF superstitions or tricks? Share them in the comments below!

5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (5)
5 Crazy IVF Superstitions (That Work!) (2024)


Why do people eat McDonald's fries after IVF? ›

The origin of this myth is unclear, but it is believed that the high salt content in the fries may help the body to absorb any excess fluids, potentially fending off ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

What is good luck for IVF? ›

Lucky Symbols:

Green and yellow represent fertility; wearing sock with these colors on transfer day is a must! They are to keep your feet warm because of the old wives' tale that warm feet equal a warm uterus, add in some extra luck with a shamrock or horseshoe.

What are the lucky charms for IVF? ›

Sticky Thoughts, Positive Vibes, and Baby Dust

These phrases are all IVF specific ways of saying, “Good luck!” Sticky thoughts to help the embryo stick, positive vibes to hope for a positive pregnancy test, and baby dust to help make baby dreams come true.

What does the pineapple mean in IVF? ›

procedures wearing something with a pineapple on it. The pineapple also represents a positive and neutral symbol of infertility rather than the needles and medications used during IVF, as some have noted.

What does the pineapple on socks mean? ›

Pineapple has been a symbol in the infertility community for some time—You can find this fruit on socks, necklaces, pins, and shirts. It represents fertility awareness and support, but what is it about pineapple that holds the belief of helping you get pregnant?

Is pineapple good for IVF? ›

But evidence of the correlation between the fruit and fertility remains more anecdotal than scientific. “There's no evidence in the literature that says consuming pineapple prior to an embryo transfer will improve implantation,” said Dr. Tomer Singer, a reproductive endocrinologist at Shady Grove Fertility.

What should you not say during IVF? ›

Do not tell them to relax. Comments such as “Just relax” and “Stop trying so hard” can create even more stress for an infertile person or couple. They may feel like they are doing something wrong when, in fact, there is a good chance that there are physical problems preventing them from becoming pregnant.

Why McDonald's chips after embryo transfer? ›

There is a theory behind Mcdonalds fries that some believe the high salt content may help to optimize fluid balance, potentially supporting the embryo's implantation process!

What is the GIFT instead of IVF? ›

With GIFT, fertilization actually takes place in the body rather than in a petri dish. However, in vitro fertilization techniques have become more refined. And since GIFT and ZIFT both require a surgical procedure that IVF does not, IVF is almost always the preferred choice in clinics.

What flower is a symbol for fertility? ›

The beautiful white almond blossom is a resilient flower that symbolizes fertility and love in many cultures. In fact, ancient Romans used almond blossoms to create fertility amulets.

What color symbolizes IVF? ›

The color orange has symbolized fertility since ancient times.

What is a fertility symbol? ›

FERTILITY SYMBOLS: Certain animals and plants have long been associated with fertility because of their reproductive habits or their appearance. As a result, their image was sometimes used as a fertility talisman. Examples include the bull, the co*ckerel, and the rabbit, as well as the many-seeded pomegranate.

What is the symbol of IVF? ›

The fruit has been widely adopted as a symbol for women dealing with infertility. Why? Pineapples have become a powerful symbol for women struggling with infertility.

What fruit symbolizes fertility? ›

Pomegranate seeds are said to number 613—one for each of the Bible's 613 commandments. The pomegranate was revered for the beauty of its shrub, flowers, and fruit—symbolising sanctity, fertility, and abundance.

What is the symbol for IVF babies? ›

In contrast to photos depicting needles that were used during an IVF cycle, the pineapple represents a more positive image of what many hope becomes a happy ending to their fertility struggles. A Baby!!

Why eat French fries after IVF? ›

The takeaway: A high-sodium diet (which may include the occasional french fry) may be beneficial in reducing risk of OHSS after egg retrieval.

Should I eat McDonald's fries after embryo transfer? ›

Some believe that the sodium in the fries may help to optimize fluid balance, potentially supporting the embryo's implantation process and might reduce the risk of OHSS. However, it's essential to note that scientific evidence supporting this claim is lacking.

Why do people eat McDonald's after embryo transfer? ›

Snacking on McDonald's French Fries After Egg Retrieval

The myth that eating McDonald's French fries boosts fertility comes from a recommendation by doctors for people with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (a potential complication of IVF) to consume more salty foods after egg retrieval.

When do you eat French fries during IVF? ›

Others believe In 'N Out French fries are the key. But the consensus is clear: whatever your brand, just find some French fries. The interesting thing about this one is that it seems to have originated for egg retrieval, as doctors recommend having some salty food after retrieval to help absorb extra fluid.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.